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¿Cuando dices "antaño" dices Zeitgeist, no? xD
"Me gusta". "Ya no me gusta".EDIT: pues por lo visto "The fellowship" es la siguiente del EP -> http://www.smashingpumpkins.com/board/index.php?showtopic=13731Dicen que saldrá el 13 de octubre, y que la cuarta, antes de navidades."Billy said the Fellowship was the next song dropping on Oct. 13 saying its coming out on that Vampire soundtrack lol. Then he said that Nicole was also singing on the next song and that she has been writing bass parts for songs. He then said the last song will drop before Christmas. He also said the music is heading to a darker psychedelic state"
Hombre, quitando el desfase nintendo-pastillero de The Fellowship, el resto del EP es de notable bajo. Aunque Spangled esta mal puesta al final, que te deja chafadete, pero bueno todos sabemos que la mayoria de finales pumpkins son tranquilitos