Noviembre 23, 2024, 19:28 pm

Autor Tema: Silent Poetry  (Leído 1996 veces)

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Desconectado Iokanaan

  • Night Mare
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Silent Poetry
« en: Abril 16, 2004, 15:32 pm »
Supongo que muchos ya conoceréis esta web,, que para mí es la más hermosa y mejor diseñada de todas las que existen (o conozco) de Smashing. Totalmente eficaz en su simplicidad, llena de contenido y datos curiosos. Me encanta.

Ayer estaba echándole un vistazo y reclamó mi atención esta información sobre Glynis, está curiosa y da claves vitales para entender la letra y la canción:

"The song Glynis is about this girl Glynis who was in a band called Red Red Meat in Chicago, and there's still a band now. But um, and she was very sick for a long time and nobody knew what was wrong with her, and she found out she got AIDS and she died like 2 months later. And...It's not that I knew her very well, we played with them, and had known of her for a very long time. And, there were things written about her, and there's alot of people who knew her better than I did. But it really affected me because, not so much because -and i dont mean to undermine 1 person's passing - but it affected me more the way people talked about her dying, and the way people moralized about it, than it did that a human being's life had passed"

Bueno, otra cosa interesante de la web es que te dice en qué concierto tocaron tal o cual versión, y la letra que cantaron, aunque sea una chorrada en plan borracho perdido o no se supieran más que el estribillo...Y ahora mi petició gustaría saber si tenéis los siguientes conciertos, parcial o totalmente:

4/21/94 Pittsburgh, PA
1/6/96 Washington DC
1/27/96 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
5/15/96 London, UK

En ellos, tocan una versión de Boys Don't Cry...yo tengo una, pero está incompleta :/.

PD: Esto último va sobre todo por Legolas y Jackboot... ;)
I'll torch my soul to show the world that I am pure deep inside my heart.

Desconectado Raham

  • Last Rose Of Summer
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Silent Poetry
« Respuesta #1 en: Abril 16, 2004, 15:34 pm »
La versión que dices tener de Boys don't cry debe ser la que yo tengo, pero simplemente (al menos la mia) no la tocan entera, es con un ritmo muuuuucho mas lento y el que canta es James.

Desconectado Iokanaan

  • Night Mare
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  • Mensajes: 3.747
  • Karma: +28/-103
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Silent Poetry
« Respuesta #2 en: Abril 16, 2004, 15:37 pm »
Efectivamente, esa es la versión que tengo. Además, se escucha fatal, y da la sensación de que James ni siquiera se sabe la letra (no se oye bien lo que dice, pero vamos, que ni de coña). A ver si conseguimos alguna de cualquiera de los conciertos...:/
I'll torch my soul to show the world that I am pure deep inside my heart.

Desconectado Spazzmatazz

  • whore of my tears
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Silent Poetry
« Respuesta #3 en: Abril 16, 2004, 16:17 pm »
no lo se con certeza pero no creo que llegaran a tocarla entera nunca.

yo creo que es la chorradita de hacer un tease y punto
Que silben los champús, que salten las tostadas... requemadas...

Desconectado Dawn_Sun

  • bugg superstar
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Silent Poetry
« Respuesta #4 en: Abril 17, 2004, 03:49 am »
Cita de: "Iokanaan"

Bueno, otra cosa interesante de la web es que te dice en qué concierto tocaron tal o cual versión, y la letra que cantaron, aunque sea una chorrada en plan borracho perdido o no se supieran más que el estribillo...Y ahora mi petició gustaría saber si tenéis los siguientes conciertos, parcial o totalmente:

4/21/94 Pittsburgh, PA
1/6/96 Washington DC
1/27/96 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
5/15/96 London, UK

Chekando, encontre los shows de:

1/6/96 Washington DC , lo tengo en video, esta boys dont cry.
1/27/96 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, tb lo tengo en video, pero no aparece boys dont cry, en la version de audio seguramente lo encontraras, pero yo no la tengo.

5/15/96 London, UK Lo tengo incompleto, justamente el track de boys dont cry no lo tengo.

Pero como

no lo se con certeza pero no creo que llegaran a tocarla entera nunca.

yo creo que es la chorradita de hacer un tease y punto

Esta en lo cierto, no creo q la hayan tocado alguna vez completa.
olamente tu me puedes destruir o salvar....
Dos palabras bastarán.


Desconectado Legolas-I

  • Premio Thom Yorke 2012
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  • I may be but small, but I will die a colossus
Silent Poetry
« Respuesta #5 en: Abril 17, 2004, 03:57 am »
Weno, tenia la intencion de traducir lo de Glynis, k tengo la historia completa en un txt pero en ingles, y viendo k mi knowledge de ingles no es el suficiente para hacer una traduccion decente, lo dejo aki en ingles para k le pegueis un vistazo, aviso k es muy larga...:

Now for a sad story (non-fiction) about Ken and Glynis... this was kindly
contributed by Chris Hanis.  Please do support this, it is a very good cause,
one worthy of your attention and support.   Even if you do not contract the
disease or know someone who has it, AIDS still affects you in some way or
another at some point in your life.   Too many lives have been taken away
prematurely, do help to make the lives of those with AIDS better, so that
they will not have died in vain.

You see...  Ken was in a Chicago band called Scarecrow back in the late
80's/early 90's.  Ken had gone to high school with Kim Thayil of Soundgarden
and SubPop co-founder Bruce Pavitt and had always been into music.  By the
time he got Scarecrow together, things were looking great for him.  He was
dating Glynis, who played in another Chicago band (Red, Red Meat, I believe,
though Ken never mentioned her band's name), and they were making plans to
move to Portland, Oregon to work on their music there.  Sadly, their plans
were never to materialize as tragedy stuck.
     There's no way to be certain how they contracted HIV, but like many
musicians they had engaged in some risky behaviors, be it unprotected sex or
dabbling in drugs.  The ugly truth began revealing itself first in Glynis, as
she started getting sick and was forced, through lack of medical insurance,
to return to her family to get access to medical treatment.  This was an
unfortunate situation, as they were fundamentalist Christians, and refused Ken
access to her as her sickness became worse.  Her family believed that her
illness was due to her lack of faith, and that if she was to "accept Christ,"
she would recover.  Unfortunately, Glynis never did recover, and Ken was
never able to see her before she died.
     Only after Glynis' death did Ken discover that she had died of AIDS
complications.  Only then did Ken learn, from an anonymous HIV antibody test,
that he was HIV+.  At this point, Ken moved from Chicago to Indianapolis. I
can only speculate at his exact reasons, but certainly he was struggling with
many difficult and emotional realities.
     Ken found a job as a blacksmith at a historic preservation site called
Conner Prairie, and there met Adam Marlowe, working as a potter.  Adam was
also a former Chicago resident, and had played bass briefly in The Service
(Pravda Records, now known as The New Duncan Imperials).  Ken and Adam put an
ad in the local newsweekly for a drummer and guitar player.  I had been
playing with different people around town, but was looking to find a new
outlet.  I answered Ken and Adam's ad and immediately hit it off with them.
     Ken occassionally made reference to his ex-girlfriend from Chicago, but
never mentioned Glynis' death or his own HIV+ status.  Adam and I were
completely unaware that Ken was dying slowly before our eyes.  The band
played on, so to speak, and we started writing songs together.  The match was
made in heaven, as Adam had a great command of song stucture, complemented by
a knack for melodic counterpoint that I hadn't even known I had and Ken's
rock solid rhythmn guitar playing and zen-like talent for natural, unassuming
     I knew something was really coming together after our third practice
together.  I had brought a tape recorder and we let the tape roll as we stroll
ed through the half-written songs, making much of it up as we went along.
 The music gelled in a way that I had never experienced before.  The whole
had truly become more than a sum of the parts.  After a few weekly practices,
we had about 10 songs together that we were starting to feel really good
about.  Ken had written lyrics for about 5 or so and we were starting to talk
about getting into a studio to record some proper demos.  Unfortunately, our
luck with drummers was not holding up, and after 2 or 3 who didn't work out,
we started getting pretty frustrated.
     Around this time, the No Alternative album was released, containing the
Smashing Pumpkin's song, "Glynis."  Adam and I knew that Ken had known Billy
Corgan casually as part of the scene in Chicago, and the fact that his song
mentioned both Glynis and Ken's former band, Scarecrow, was too much of a
coincidence.  Adam asked Ken about the song.  Ken told Adam that the songwas
indeed about his ex-girlfriend Glynis and that she had died of AIDS complica-
tions.  Sadly, though, Ken didn't want us to know that he had been infected,
going so far as to tell Adam that he had taken an HIV antibody test and had
been HIV negative.  Unfortunately, we were to learn the truth too soon.
     As we struggled with getting a drummer to record with us, Ken's health
started to deteriorate before our eyes.  Ken had always been thin, but he
started to become noticeably emaciated.  After getting together one night to
meet with a new drummer, Adam and I remarked to each other that Ken was
looking quite sick.  When we met with him that Sunday to practice, we asked
him what was going on.  Ken dodged the question, stating that he had been
having some bad stomach problems and had been unable to keep food down for a
while.  He said that he had an appointment to see a doctor that week to get
some medication and that he was going to be okay.  We wanted to believe him
so much that we didn't make the obvious connections.  Our friend who we
shared so many laughs and good times together was dying right before our yes
and we kept participating in the denial.  
     A couple weeks went by.  Ken had been away from work for a week or so,
and Adam and I were under the assumption that he was recuperating from his
stomach illness.  Life went on as usual for us.  Easter weekend came.  I went
down to Bloomington, Indiana to be with my girlfriend for the weekend and,
ironically, went to see the movie Philadelphia.  Even while watching Tom
Hanks die of AIDS right there on the big screen, I couldn't make the connec-
tion.  I was really struck by the film, but glad that AIDS was still only an
abstraction in my life.  Little did I know how close the disease was to me.
     That Monday night I returned to Indianapolis and started getting ready
for my night shift job.  Adam came by and told me, very matter of factly,
that Ken had gone down to Florida to see his parents over the weekend and
that he wouldn't be back.  "What!"  I asked.  "He's quitting the band!?!?"
 If only it had been that simple!  Ken had been returning from Florida that
Saturday, Adam explained, and died in a motel room that night.  His family
had informed him that he had been suffering from AIDS, and that they were
sorry that we had to find out about it like this.  We were devastated.
     Adam and I laid the band to rest after Ken's death.  We both knew that
it couldn't exist without Ken's presence.  All that would remain were the
rough demos that we recorded together.  It's unfortunate that we were never
able to make it into the studio to properly record the songs that we had
written together.  In fact, only two songs were ever recorded with Ken's
lyrics.  One of those having been improvised on the spot, recorded only so we
wouldn't forget the riff that I had just stumbled upon.  These demos will
have to do, though, as they're the last things Ken ever recorded.
     In the memory of Ken and Glynis, I'm making these songs available.  It's
sad that Ken was never able to find the audience that so many of his
contempories did, but I believed in him and in the band, and I want the music
to be heard!  I've worked up a prototype version, complete with cover art, on
cassette.  Ken was a SERIOUS record collector, and I'm working on getting it
pressed up as a 7" record in memory of that.  I'm hoping to have it all ready
for general release within the next couple of months.
Ken's family told us that he was very grateful for the care that the AIDS
organization gave him in his final months, and we want to give back to the
organizations that helped him in his time of need
This spot marks our grave. But you may rest here too, if you like.

Desconectado Culio

  • loud guitar
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Re: Silent Poetry
« Respuesta #6 en: Abril 17, 2004, 04:13 am »
Cita de: "Iokanaan"
Bueno, otra cosa interesante de la web es que te dice en qué concierto tocaron tal o cual versión, y la letra que cantaron, aunque sea una chorrada en plan borracho perdido o no se supieran más que el estribillo...Y ahora mi petició gustaría saber si tenéis los siguientes conciertos, parcial o totalmente:

4/21/94 Pittsburgh, PA
1/6/96 Washington DC
1/27/96 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
5/15/96 London, UK

En ellos, tocan una versión de Boys Don't Cry...yo tengo una, pero está incompleta :/.

Tanto el concierto de Washington como el de Londres en la Brixton Academy los tengo en video. Y no tocan la canción entera, sólo hacen un "tease" cantado por James, de un minuto más o menos. En un concierto como intro a "Disarm" y en el otro introduciendo "By Starlight". Alguna de estas dos debe ser la que tienes en mp3. El de Rio también lo tengo en video, aunque no la emitieron, pero también debió ser en plan coña, porque tanto la anterior canción como la siguiente si que fueron emitidas.
También tengo "Boys don't cry" en otro concierto, el del 4/11/2000 en Londres, esta vez en audio, y de nuevo es un tease en el que sólo tocan la intro de la canción y sin cantar, para pasar a "This time". Así que me temo que nunca la tocaron en serio, entera y con toda la letra :)
Si quieres cualquiera de estas versiones pégame un grito en el SLSK.
Si el ser humano tuviera una vida media de 500 años, viviríamos más tiempo"
Henry McMurray

Desconectado Legolas-I

  • Premio Thom Yorke 2012
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  • I may be but small, but I will die a colossus
Silent Poetry
« Respuesta #7 en: Abril 17, 2004, 04:36 am »
Tb en el concierto de Wembley del 4 de noviembre tocaron boy's don't cry, pero claro en tease, asi k m da k no la han tocado entera en ningun sitio
This spot marks our grave. But you may rest here too, if you like.

Desconectado Judas 0

  • Dark Prince Of Death
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  • T.C.
    • La Cara Ce
Silent Poetry
« Respuesta #8 en: Abril 17, 2004, 12:25 pm »
Chicos, no se me abre la página q decís... mirad si habéis puesto mal la dirección o algo...  yo quieroooo xDD

Evidentemente en tu vida te has puesto delante de un instrumento e intentado hacer algo

Desconectado SmashingP

  • forgotten and absorbed
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  • Pío!
Silent Poetry
« Respuesta #9 en: Abril 17, 2004, 12:34 pm »
Cita de: "Judas 0"
Chicos, no se me abre la página q decís... mirad si habéis puesto mal la dirección o algo...  yo quieroooo xDD

Quitale la coma a silent.html,  :P

Desconectado Dagger

  • Premio José Luis Garci 2012
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    • Los Dientes de Ava
Silent Poetry
« Respuesta #10 en: Abril 17, 2004, 13:06 pm »
Los Red Red Meat esos son los que tocan la versión de "Sad Peter Pan" con SP. :_)

Bonita historia la de Glynis. Pensaba que vale, salía en el recopilata benefico por el SIDA, pero no sabía que tenía realmente relación con el tema. Mola, mola. :)

(editado: estos son los momentos en los que me encanta avalon :_D)

I feel alright tonight
And everywhere I go is shining bright

Desconectado Pale

  • old friend
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Silent Poetry
« Respuesta #11 en: Abril 17, 2004, 17:38 pm »
Cita de: "Dagger"

(editado: estos son los momentos en los que me encanta avalon :_D)

/me esta de acuerdo :_)

por cierto, no conocia la pagina y esta muy bien ;)
ya esta en mis favoritos jeje ^^
me gusta demasiado viajar en tren, una vez que te casas ya nunca puedes sentarte junto a la ventanilla.

Desconectado darkestfears

  • Fashion Victim
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  • One last Kiss goodnight
Silent Poetry
« Respuesta #12 en: Abril 21, 2004, 15:38 pm »
Pues gracias por la web iokanaan, yo tampoco conocía la página y me gustó bastante.

Está genial que explique cosas relacionadas con la canción que buscas y me ha parecido muy curioso (y sobre todo muy pero que muy currado) el apartado de unknown songs.

Desconectado Pulseczar

  • Neon Cough
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  • You can't help deny forever
Silent Poetry
« Respuesta #13 en: Abril 21, 2004, 16:38 pm »
Cita de: "Iokanaan"
Además, se escucha fatal, y da la sensación de que James ni siquiera se sabe la letra (no se oye bien lo que dice, pero vamos, que ni de coña).

como ya han dicho por ahi es un tease. El motivo d q se oiga mal, aparte d la calidad del mp3 y d q es un directo yo diria q es pq el James (al menos por lo visto en el concierto al q fuimos a Wembley) se lo tomaba bastante a cachondeo, en plan "voy a improvisar" y hacia un poco el pavo... como al final del concierto d apc, mas o menos ;)
Stepping out from a back shop poster/
Wishing life wouldn't be so long

Desconectado MaDMaX

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  • I took out a loan on my empty heart, babe
Silent Poetry
« Respuesta #14 en: Abril 21, 2004, 16:44 pm »
Cita de: "Pulseczar"
hacia un poco el pavo... como al final del concierto d apc, mas o menos ;)

Y a olaya ke se le cayeron las lagrimillas.. jajaja ke recuerdos xD

El james no cambia el tio  :roll:


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