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I liked the other one, but Courtney picked this song.
Perhaps it was a bit too Pumpkins for me right now
THECAMERAEYE:This is like one of those poems where you vaguely know what it's about, but can't quite explain it. It has something to do with this feeling that love is constantly being perverted. You're constantly asking yourself what true love really is. I've been with women and I thought I found my true love and it's turned out to be the worst, most hurtful thing. You think, is that true love? I've been with woman who are completely devoted and would lie across a railroad track for me, and I think this is kind of boring. So what is true love anyway? Somehow the words and the images in "TheCameraEye" communicate that to me.
Esta es la que ma me ha llamado la atencion:THECAMERAEYE:This is like one of those poems where you vaguely know what it's about, but can't quite explain it. It has something to do with this feeling that love is constantly being perverted. You're constantly asking yourself what true love really is. I've been with women and I thought I found my true love and it's turned out to be the worst, most hurtful thing. You think, is that true love? I've been with woman who are completely devoted and would lie across a railroad track for me, and I think this is kind of boring. So what is true love anyway? Somehow the words and the images in "TheCameraEye" communicate that to me.THE CAMEREA EYE:Es como uno de esos poemas que sabes vagamente sobre que tratan, pero no puedes explicar, tiene algo que ver con ese rollo de que el amor siempre se corrompe. Te preguntas constantemente que coño es el verdadero amor. He estado con chicas y pensado que habia encontrado el amor verdadero, y se ha convertido en lo peor, lo mas doloroso del mundo. Y piensas: es eso verdadero amor?? Y he estado con chicas que estaban conpletamente encoñadas conmigo y que harian lo que fuera por mi y me ha parecido aburrido. Asi que que cojones es el verdadero amor?? De alguna forma las imagenes y los sonidos en "The Camera Eye" me dicen eso.(perdonad, xq esta con mis propias palabras)ah, y de PRETTY PRETTY STAR: lo de Bowie... mmm... quiero oirla